Home Birth Supplies
We love home births!
What to Prepare for your Home Birth Not too much longer and you will be able to meet your baby face to face! But first, you will need to prepare for the long awaited arrival. This list is to help you get all the items necessary for your home birth. Please have these items gathered in one place so that your midwife can easily locate them on her arrival to your birth. She will want these items ready when she comes to your home for your birth.
Please feel free to contact her with any questions.
☐ Go to website www.inhishands.com to order your custom birth kit, this must be done at 37 weeks of pregnancy.
2. Type in Sunshine Birth Company
3. Place order to be delivered to your home
☐ Please have dresser top or table in birth area for supplies and equipment
☐10+ towels that you don’t mind getting soiled these will be used for you and baby (they can be washed after the birth and used again)
☐ Please make sure your bedroom and bathroom is clean and uncluttered
☐ 2+ bed pillows covered in plastic bags or plastic pillow protectors
☐ 2 sets of clean bed linen *See instructions below on how to prepare your bed
☐ Waterproof mattress cover (vinyl is best and can be found at Wal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond) be careful to avoid a zippered mattress cover.
☐ 2 tall laundry baskets or trash cans (1 for trash 1 for soiled linens) cover with black trash bag and place extra in bottom.
☐ Small fish net if planning a water birth
☐ Crock-pot with 12 washcloths for perineal compress or heat compress for comfort (optional)
☐ Flashlight with extra batteries
☐ Extension cord or power strip to be used for heating pad, crock-pot, fan etc.
☐ Portable fan if no ceiling fan is in the room
☐ 1 large bottle of hydrogen peroxide
☐ Large pot for boiling and preparing herbal bath
☐ 1 large fresh bulb of garlic for herbal bath
☐ 1 wire strainer to drain herbs
☐ 2-3 rolls of VIVIA paper towels for clean up and herb compress
☐ Emergency back up plan printed, “filled out”, and put on the front of your refrigerator.
☐ Rent your birth tub if you desire a water birth and bathtub is not large enough. Don’t forget to fill once active labor begins. **Note turn your water heater up to have a good source of hot water
☐Empty washing machine and drier so the birth team can wash linens and towels after birth
☐Large plastic or metal bowl to catch the placenta after delivery of baby
☐Heating pad to heat towels
For you:
☐ Clothes while in labor (a night gown or loose fitting dress)
☐ Sports Bra, swim top or tank top if you desire to labor in the tub and wish to be covered.
☐ Depends briefs to wear after the birth
☐ Sanitary napkins
☐ Change of clothes for dad and/or swim trunks should he wish to get into tub with you
☐ Slippers, bathrobe and or warm socks
☐ Relaxing music
☐ Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, etc.)
☐ Snacks/drinks/food for you and father to eat/drink during labor choose snacks high in protein and easy for you to digest.
☐Bag of ice (Sonic ice is great!)
☐Unclutter your birth space, kitchen, living room etc. so you are able to relax and have a peaceful environment for labor and birth.
☐ Filling meal for after the birth we will require you to eat a meal before we leave your home. You can prepare a meal ahead of time and freeze or have someone bring you food after the birth. *Note you will be on bed rest for 1- 2 weeks days after the birth of the baby, prepare several meals to freeze or plan ahead for meals for the days ahead after the baby arrives.
☐Camera (delegate someone to take pictures daddy may be busy helping you)
☐Cell phone and charger
☐Favorite essential oils and diffuser
For baby:
☐Receiving blankets
☐Pre-washed clothes (onesie, gown, footed sleeper, socks etc.) baby must be dressed in layers
☐1-2 stocking hats (one will be included in your birth kit)
☐Diapers and wipes
☐Car seat purchased and installed
For birth team:
☐Food and bottled water (easy to grab snacks such as fruit, veggie trays, cheese, crackers, meat, hot dish etc.) your birth team will not be able to leave your home once active labor begins eating is important for all. ☐Parking for the midwife and her assistant. Births have been missed due to family taking parking area requiring the midwife to carry her equipment a long distance.
☐If you contact your midwife after dark be sure to unlock your front door and turn the porch light on. If you have a entry gate make sure it is open, if a gate code is required make sure midwife has this code.
Additional notes:
☐After pain relief (www.inhishands.com)
☐Maxi milk (www.inhishands.com)
☐Prepare Labor Aid ahead of time to drink during labor you can find many wonderful recipes on the internet ☐Have Tylenol and Benadryl on hand
☐Rice sock made for after birth cramps or for labor comfort
☐Enlist help from family and friends for household chores or other children after the baby arrives so you can focus on breastfeeding and recovery. Both you and Daddy will need rest the first few days after birth!
How many people can I have with me for my birth?
We do not have a limit on the number of people who are allowed to attend your birth. We do however encourage that you make sure whoever is invited to attend your birth that they are supportive of you and your decision to have an out of hospital birth. It is important that you are surrounded by individuals who believe in you and your ability to have a natural, peaceful birth.
We reserve the right to ask your guests to step out of the room if we feel the room is crowded not allowing us to serve you properly or if the observers are a distraction for you and labor slows.
If you would like to have children at your birth, please make sure someone other than your partner is there to supervise them during labor.
How to prepare your birth bed:
1. FIRST, make your bed with the set of sheets that you want on your bed AFTER the birth
2. Then cover that set of sheets with the waterproof mattress protector
3. Lastly, make your bed with the sheet that would be appropriate for labor and birth (older sheets are usually best)
Where to rent birth tubs:
Floressence Midwifery Birth Pool Rental